Monday, 28 May 2007
Sweden pt 1 Stockholm, Goteborg & Malmö
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Japan - Kyoto & Osaka
Kyoto was great - I arrived via train from Kansai Monday night about 8pm, I found my Hostel with pretty easily. The hostel was sweet as, they hooked me up with good maps which made finding my around really easy. I went out for dinner and had a bit of a wander around town - a couple of things that really took me by surprise was the number of cigarette vending machines and "slots" (gambling establishments, hundreds of machines each).
Tuesday morning I headed out sight seeing, I had a list of 3 temples I planned on visiting before heading back to Osaka for the night. First up was Nanzen-Ji temple, see photo's and comments.

This is a snake I saw on my way up to the temple, I didn't even soil myself!
This is me posing with a group of school girls on top of the Sanmon Gate at Nanzen-ji.
Next on the list was Kinkaku Temple, otherwise known as the Golden Pavilion. The top 2 levels of the pavilion are coated in gold leaf - the place really does glow!
The golden Pavilion
Another posing shot with schoolgirls. It was like I was a celebrity or something!
My final tourist stop was the Kiyomizu Temple, the temple buildings did not seem to be too amazing or anything, but the view was fantastic - it overlooks the whole city. There were literally thousands of people at this place, a bit overpowering for a simple country boy like me!

The gate building at Kiyomizu Temple
After the day's sightseeing, I busted off back to Osaka (which i travelled through on the way to Kyoto). My intention was to find a capsule hotel (New Japan Sauna and Capsule Hotel to be precise) and stay there for the night. things didn't quite go to plan...I arrived in Osaka about 7pm, the information desk was closed, i didn't have a map. long story short, I walked around town for ~ 4 hours trying to find someone to give me directions/an internet cafe/somewhere to stay/... Eventually after getting some good directions I found the Hotel, only to be shoo'ed away (aparently it was full). I ended up sleeping in some bushes outside a train station...
So, in summary, Japan is pretty cool - go to Kyoto, it's awesome and friendly. Skip Osaka if you're short on time it's not quite so tourist friendly...
Overall - worth the experience, I'll go back!
Sunday, 13 May 2007
BYO - Welly
We dominated Masala for a few hours, Shorty gave a rather long-winded (but entertaining!) speech recounting the last few years he's known me, Carlos & Bennetts chipped in, and I tried to save a bit of face with a reply.
The majority of us went left dinner and hit the upstairs dancefloor at Establishment, here is a sample of the fine moves being put on:
Shake it!
Later in the evening we headed out looking for greener pastures, but ended up at Electric Avenue (as we always seem to do!). Things were a little more subdued by this stage of the night, Bennetts tried his usual "what's something silly i can drink out of a glass?" trick, this time with a flower.
Probably tasted a bit better than that time you drank the candle though, aye!
Last stop for the night was BK (of course) and then home content after a great night out.
Thanks to all who came out and I hope you all had as good a night as I did.
I'm looking forward to heading off on my trip, but nights like this one really make me realise how good I have it here in Wellington, with so many good mates around.
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Travel Itinerary
Finished Work!
I'm having a massive BYO dinner with 35-odd mates tomorrow night - it's going to be huge!