So I've been a bit slack in keeping this thing up to date over the last few weeks, whoops! Time to play catch up...
(FYI, I'm settled in Oxford now, about to start the new job)
From Sofia, I bussed down into Greece, after a night spent in uninspiring ThessalonĂki I made my way southwards to Meteora. Meteora is an area of sugar loaf shaped mountains, in years gone by the cliffs were occupied by hermits & monks seeking privacy & sanctuary from the outside world.
Eventually the area became quite popular with monks in general and many large monasteries were built, a number of which are to this day still nestled high amongst mountaintops.
There are guided tours which show you through the monasteries, but I was far to unorganised for that type of caper – instead I opted for a bus to the uppermost monastery followed by a snap-happy walk back down the road with a couple of Taiwanese tourist I met along the way.

From Meteora I made my way to Athens to catch a flight to Kefalonia where I spent the best part of a week staying with my friend Natalie & generally relaxing on the beach!

We went out for dinner on Mark's birthday, here are some of our London
based crew getting shown warm hospitality later in the night
On one of my last days, I went across the island to another
town, one of the attractions was Melisani Lake, a lake in a
sinkhole, very beuatiful with amazingly clear water
(FYI, I'm settled in Oxford now, about to start the new job)
From Sofia, I bussed down into Greece, after a night spent in uninspiring ThessalonĂki I made my way southwards to Meteora. Meteora is an area of sugar loaf shaped mountains, in years gone by the cliffs were occupied by hermits & monks seeking privacy & sanctuary from the outside world.
Eventually the area became quite popular with monks in general and many large monasteries were built, a number of which are to this day still nestled high amongst mountaintops.
There are guided tours which show you through the monasteries, but I was far to unorganised for that type of caper – instead I opted for a bus to the uppermost monastery followed by a snap-happy walk back down the road with a couple of Taiwanese tourist I met along the way.

From Meteora I made my way to Athens to catch a flight to Kefalonia where I spent the best part of a week staying with my friend Natalie & generally relaxing on the beach!

based crew getting shown warm hospitality later in the night

town, one of the attractions was Melisani Lake, a lake in a
sinkhole, very beuatiful with amazingly clear water