Sunday, 13 May 2007

BYO - Welly

Friday night was my big farewell BYO dinner for my Wellington mates (despite still being around for a week - not lost on some people!).
We dominated Masala for a few hours, Shorty gave a rather long-winded (but entertaining!) speech recounting the last few years he's known me, Carlos & Bennetts chipped in, and I tried to save a bit of face with a reply.
The majority of us went left dinner and hit the upstairs dancefloor at Establishment, here is a sample of the fine moves being put on:

Shake it!

Later in the evening we headed out looking for greener pastures, but ended up at Electric Avenue (as we always seem to do!). Things were a little more subdued by this stage of the night, Bennetts tried his usual "what's something silly i can drink out of a glass?" trick, this time with a flower.

Probably tasted a bit better than that time you drank the candle though, aye!

Last stop for the night was BK (of course) and then home content after a great night out.

Thanks to all who came out and I hope you all had as good a night as I did.
I'm looking forward to heading off on my trip, but nights like this one really make me realise how good I have it here in Wellington, with so many good mates around.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm impressed Rae, this is a great site.