After saying goodbye to the sunny, sandy climes of Kefalonia I made my way back to Athens from where I launched myself across the continent to Göteborg, Sweden. The purpose of this part of the journey was to meet my recently new niece Penny, and my mum sister & brother-in-law of course!
Soon after arriving we made our way to the summer house to catch up with Clas' family, his brother Henrik is also a newly crowned proud father and it was time for the new cousins to become acquainted.
Soon after arriving we made our way to the summer house to catch up with Clas' family, his brother Henrik is also a newly crowned proud father and it was time for the new cousins to become acquainted.

The proud uncle
I managed to time my visit impeccably such that I could go to Way Out West, a local music festival at which the Flaming Lips were performing. The Flaming Lips are a band I have wanted to see live for quite some time and I could not resist this opportunity.

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