[UPDATE - the photos are playing up on this post for some reason and the RH side is getting trimmed off, if you click on the photos you can see an enlarged view of the whole photo]
Well, I'm living in a nice share house in the south of the city with 2 other guys and a cat. The place is nice and pretty cool but not overly exciting on the social front, those are the breaks I guess.
My work is working out really well, the company is really onto it and everyone is really cool. We're based in a small business park (or a petting zoo as Luke likes to call it) on the edge of a small village outside Oxford.
Here is a picture of my office:

and the view out the window:

Here are some pictures I took over the autumn:

I've met lots of cool people here now, I went to a pot luck dinner arranged through couchsurfing not long after I got here, now I know lots of people through that. We meet up fairly regularly for meals, drinks and the odd games evening. I've even found a few kiwis here too, they're everywhere!
That's about it really, I've been basically alternating weekends here and away lately, I could probably put more photos up but in reality I can't be bothered and you're probably not that interested!
I hope you are well wherever you are.
Come on, don't be like that, you know we are interested! Enjoy the loong haard winter...Ho ha haha (evil laugh)
thanks mate, the weather is starting to get pretty dreary here now! D'oh!!
Oxford and all sounds good mate. Happy birthday!
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