My current plan has me travelling to Denmark for festival #1 - Roskilde; from there I will travel over land from Berlin to Athens for the rest of July. (Germany -> Czech Republic -> Austria -> Croatia -> Serbia -> Bosnia -> Bulgaria -> Greece - getting the Balkans done!)

The plan is in its formation stage at the moment so it is liable to change, but that is what travelling is about!
August sees me venturing up to my frequent haunt of Sweden to see my sister, brother-in-law, new niece/nephew (!) & mum. (and festival #2 - Way Out West)
In mid-August I'll be coming back to the UK to sort myself out for my new job (new flat, new car!) - and go to festical #3 - Reading Festival.
So that is it really, travel plans and new beginings. Life is good.
Is is just me or does my travel route look like a bird? maybe a Kea...
From where i'm sitting it looks like a toucan
actually that was my 2nd thought, the beak is too big to be a Kea...
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