Friday, 11 July 2008

Euro Trippin' w/ Mel - Leg 1. Roskilde Festival

So, my job is wrapped up, and I'm in Europe!

Andrew, Melody, Tim & Glen I arrived in Copenhagen last Wednesday, our hostel was located in the red light area of town which was sweet...

We arrived at the festival early-ish on Thursday morning only to discover just how big a campsite for 80,000 people actually is! after at least 1.5 hours wandering around in the draining heat we found what turned out to be an awesome campsite!

Chilling at the Roskilde Railway station en-route to the festival, it was already getting warm by this point, the festival must have averaged 25 - 30 degrees Celsius

This was our camp site, it took us well over an hour of walking with heavy tents & packs to find it, but all in all it was excellent! 2 tents for 5 people was a bit of a push though, especially about day 3...

Fact: tents do not offer much protection from early morning sun & the heat it produces. If you are going to stay up until 3am everynight be prepared to sleep in a pressure cooker!

The fishing lake, you could hire gear and see what you could catch. I preferred the swimming lake...

The swimming lake, note the dude in the pink "togs", Andrew took quite a fancy to him.

Lots of people had markers to keep a track of their group in the crowd, many were humerous. Here's an alien enjoying a bit of experimentation.

And here is a re-enactment of the scene from the little known Disney story "The Lynching of Winne The Pooh"

Radiohead were the opening headline act, they were pretty cool, I was pretty drunk so I'll leave the comments there.

Obviously very drunk... (or artistic)

Gnarls Barkley played, again pretty cool, again pretty drunk!

At one stage we found "The Lounge", Tim found a Danish (?) girl to dance with all night.

I found our Norwegian friends, they took us to a Norwegian heavy metal gig - Motorpsycho

This is my friend Bolo the Norwegian Clown who was rocking out to the soothing sounds of Motorpsycho

Neil Young played on the Saturday, he was frickin awesome, for an old timer.

By day 3 Glen's hair had taken on a life of it's own. by day 4 it could read and write.

The Black Seeds came and represented our fair land, they were good and it seemed like the crowd wasn't just kiwis. I think there were a couple of Aussies too...

Jay-Z came and sang in the rain, he didn't let it rain on his parade, or dampen his spirits, or... OK enough already. He was actually really good.

I improvised with the rain protection

Andrew was just showing off. loser.

Monday eventually rolled around and we loaded up and set off back to Copenhagen. Note the back pack that Andrew is carrying, this took 6 days to get back to London.

A lot of the campsite was left in a state that can only be described as carnage.

Long story short, we had a wicked time, the weather was generally excellent, except for a couple of occasions. We saw some great acts, some that I already knew & liked, others that grew on me. I guess that is the great thing about festivals - seeing acts you wouldn't normally see & expanding your horizons.

We spent most of Monday around Copenhagen, I used my extensive knowledge of Copenhagen and played tour guide to Mel & Andrew for the day. Again, photos... (bugger it, they can go up on the next post!)

1 comment:

Andrew Roxburgh said...
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